

District Collectorate is a direct representative of the state government at the district level. It is at this level that the policies of the Government are translated into practice. Almost every citizen of a district comes in contact with District Administration. A Collector is the highest functionary in hierarchy of a district. Hence, As a central institution of district administration, the main objectives of the Collectorate are:

  • Time bound delivery of essential services to the citizens of the district.
  • To play a key role as a coordinator of all the government offices of the district.
  • To strive for efficient, transparent and citizen centric administration with the use of latest technologies available.
  • To resolve the issues related to land and to preserve and nurture all the government assets.
SNo. Office phone email
1 Collector & District Magistrate +91 261 2652525, 2655151 collector-sur[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
2 Residential Addl[dot] Collector +91 261 2669200, 2660011 rdc-sur[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
3 Chitnish to the Collector +91 261 2660011, 2652134 chitnish-sur[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
4 Deputy Collector, Stamp Duty-1 +91 261 2465339 27[dot]stemp1[at]gmail[dot]com
5 Deputy Collector, Stamp Duty-2 +91 261 2465339 28[dot]stemp2[at]gmail[dot]com
6 Deputy Collector, ULC +91 261 2465119 53[dot]ulcsurat[at]gmail[dot]com
7 District Supply Officer, Surat +91 261 2655751 dso-sur@gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
8 Deputy Collector, Protocol +91 261 2660021 pro-sur@gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
9 Deputy Collector, Land Reform +91 261 2669200 44[dot]tenancysurat[at]gmail[dot]com
10 Deputy District Election Officer

+91 261 2665200

+91 261 2665265



11 Special Land Acquisition Officer-1 +91 261 2465294 29[dot]laq1[at]gmail[dot]com
12 Special Land Acquisition Officer-4 +91 261 2460139 30[dot]laq4[at]gmail[dot]com
13 Addi. Mamlatdar Krushipanch (Ceiling)    62[dot]altchorasi[at]gmail[dot]com
14 Public Relation Officer +91 261 2660021 pro-sur[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
15 Mamlatdar Small Savings +91 261 2652118 47[dot]smallsavingssurat[at]gmail[dot]com
16 Mamlatdar Entertainment   45[dot]entertainmentsurat[at]gmail[dot]com
17 Mamlatdar Disaster +91 261 2465112, 2465118 dismgmt-sur[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
18 Mamlatdar NA +91 261 2652137 43[dot]nasurat[at]gmail[dot]com